Commercial Air Conditioning and Heating Service

Commercial Air Conditioning and Heating Service


We are currently certified to do direct work with:

  • The University of Southern California
  • NAVFAC Southwest
  • GSA
  • Verizon
  • Cal State Fullerton University
  • Beverly Hospital
  • Grifols
  • FAA



Los Angeles DEA Building

DEA Building Los Angeles


Pasadena Federal Courthouse Boiler and Hydronic Replacement



Aerospace D8 Building




Verizon Asuza MSC-NNO Renovation

Verizon Asuza MSC-NNO Renovation


SCE Alhambra Infrastructure Upgrade?

SCE Alhambra Infrastructure Upgrade


West Valley Detention Center Tower Replace?

West Valley Detention Tower Replace


USC Pardee HH & HHW Upgrade

USC Pardee HW Upgrade

USC Pardee HW


Los Angeles County Assessor Data Center



200 HP Air System Naval Station San Diego

200 HP Air System Naval Station San Diego


FAA Van Nuys Tower AC Replace

FAA Tower


USPS Van Nuys

USPS Van Nuys

USPS Van Nuys

USPS Van Nuys

USPS Van Nuys


MCRD San Diego B-312 HHW System



USC Urban Market Cafe



CSUF Data Center Chiller Upgrade

CSUF Data Center


Pacoima Fire Station

Pacoima Fire Station


Miramar Golf Clubhouse

Miramar Golf Clubhouse


Miramar Golf Clubhouse


Hillcrest Church – Whittier CA

Hilcrest Church-Whittier


USC School of Theatre – Los Angeles CA

USC School of Theater

USC School of Theater

USC School of Theater


Grifols – Los Angeles CA



Kaiser Pump Pasadena

Kaiser Pumps